Friday, September 26, 2008


What is Brian Murpy talking about anyway?

In the local Moncton paper a few days ago there appeared an ad on page three in bright Liebral red that stated the accomplishments that Brian had accomplished. He was looking for a pat on the back I guess.

After doing some basic research each of his points was countered as lies and complete and utter bullshit basically.

He alluded to his single handedness in getting the bridge replaced to Riverview. Ya right. He was about as active on this as a balloon would be in a hurricane. A lot of hot air and basically nothing else. Nice try Brian. As usual you lied your way into having people believe that you had a major part in this happening. Matter of FACT it was the government of Bernard Lord that played the single most important role in getting this done FINALLY! That and a substantial contribution from the FEDERAL CONSERVATIVE government. Nothing the Liberals did in their 13 years of INACTIVITY had any kind of role. Nice try Brian.

Sewage Treatment: Wasn't too long ago that Smiling Brian castigated a local contributor to the Times and Transcript for writing a well thought out article (or at least it appeared to be) about some kind of secondary treatment plan for the River. It seems that Brian had once again stated that somehow he had met with someone who stated that it was not important to have secondary treatment now. All of a sudden he is beating his big belly stating that he is the sole contributor to the saving and the restoration of the River. Once again, nice try Brian.

This is the same PART TIME MP who had MISSED over 43 votes in the house of commons according to facts we can look up for ourselves.

People...... let's put this poor soul out of his misery. Let him go back to being the part time lawyer that he professes to be. He sure as hell can't do a full time job as our MP.

He also goes on to say that he had a great part in the saving of the Kay arena. It seems that our local Conservative candidate, Daniel Allain had more to do with this important project than Smilin Brian could ever dream of having. While Brian was nowhere to be seen (unless a camera would be around) Daniel from what I learned was putting 200% effort into getting funding secured from the Conservative Provincial and Federal governments while he was not even running for MP. Brian where were you once again?